Chapter 5 Discussion questions and answers

What different types of glial cells are there in the CNS and what are their functions?

  • Astrocytes - physiological and mechanical support to neurons, blood brain barrier, replacement of neural tissue lost to disease.
  • Oligodendrocytes - myelination of axons.
  • Ependyma and choroid plexus - CSF production and maintenance.
  • Microglia - immune role.

Why is it essential for neurons to have an efficient system of intracellular transport? What mechanisms exist for this?

  • Length of axons.
  • Lack of synthetic and metabolic apparatus outside the cell body.
  • Movement of neurotransmitters, turnover of structural components.
  • Slow and fast, anterograde and retrograde, microtubule network, cytoskeleton.

Describe the structural arrangement of large nerve fibres in the PNS

  • Endonerium, perinerium, epinerium.
  • Schwann cells, vessels.
  • Axons arranged in fascicles etc.

How does the autonomic nervous system contribute to normal physiology and homeostasis?

  • Control of visceral muscle.
  • Essential bodily functions.
  • Provides appropriate response to changes in environment etc.
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