Chapter 4 Discussion questions and answers

Q1 Discuss the application of haemopoietic growth factors in the treatment of named haematological disorders.

Answer could include:

  • G-CSF and febrile neutropenia.
  • Risks and limitations of this therapy.
  • Applications in stem cell/bone marrow transplantation.
  • EPO uses and limitations.
  • Use of thrombopoietin analogues.

Q2. Based on your understanding of the genesis of blood cells, provide an overview of the role of a diagnostic haematology laboratory.

Answer could include:

  • Haemopoiesis occurs in the bone marrow in the adult.
  • Consideration of the cell lineages produced and their localization in the peripheral blood.
  • FBC determines cells numbers within the peripheral blood.
  • Bone marrow aspirate assesses haemopoietic tissue and differential counts of precursors.
  • Techniques for the determination of the causes of anaemia and other pathologies.
  • Determining the causes of thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and increased cell counts.
  • Diagnosis and monitoring of disease processes.

Q3. Two important clinical procedures used to determine bone marrow function include the bone marrow aspirate and bone marrow trephine biopsy. Investigate each of these and write brief notes on the merits of each.

Answer could consider:

  • Processing times.
  • Anatomical sites.
  • Determination of cellularity.
  • Downstream investigations including flow cytometry, differential counts, cytogenetic analysis.
  • Identification of atypical localisation of immature precursors (ALIPS).
  • Identification of metastatic cells and fibrosis.
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