4.1 What are the four steps of tissue processing?
- Fixation
- Dehydration
- Clearing
- Impregnation
4.2 What is the purpose of embedding?
- To secure tissue with the correct orientation in a tissue block
4.3 What are the key health and safety risks associated with microtomy?
- Risk of harm via the microtome blade of cuts
- Risk of upper limb repetitive strain disorder
4.4 What factors affect tissue section quality when cutting a block?
- Sharpness of the cutting blade
- Rigidity of the knife and specimen holder
- Hardness of the tissue and presence of focal calcification
- Blood within the tissue
- The coldness of the blocks
4.5 What are the key infection risks associated with frozen sections?
- TB, HIV or Hepatitis B
4.6 Why are automated staining machines used routinely?
- Consistency of staining
- Sheer numbers of slides involved
4.7 What is internal quality control?
Internal quality control checks ensure a laboratory has in place measures to assure and ensure the quality of stained slides produced.
- Block checking
- Microscope checking of slides
- Checking the slide against the request form and block