Chapter 17 Self-check Questions and Answers

What are you carrying out if you review microscopically a number of control sections to identify trends in method performance? How may deteriorating performance be addressed?


  • Internal quality control.
  • Repeat the technique once more and, if the same result is achieved, complete the paper work and revisit the technique several times with different titrations and adjusted time using new materials until the optimal results are achieved.


a) Which tissues would you choose to put in a multi-tissue control block?

b) Is each new control block validated before use against the test?


a) Appendix, tonsil, stomach

b) Yes: the evidence, the materials and the records are kept in the file for future reference.

Suggest some titles for clinical audits in histopathology, and prepare an audit plan.

Examples of some audits titles are:

  • Specimen cut-up, selection, validation and verification of examination processes for routine skin specimens
  • Information for patients and users, specimen reception and booking in, Entering a report, accommodation and environmental conditions, chloroacetate esterase, reagents and consumables.

Who should be the designated individual?

The designated individual could be a scientist, clinician, head of department or a manager. One of the most important points to note is that it is a person who is in a position to ensure that activities are conducted properly and that all the necessary requirements are complied with by people who are suitable to carry out those activities.

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