Quiz Content

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. The economic growth of the decade of the 1980s was characterized by

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. Evangelical Christianity in the 1980s and 1990s was overwhelmingly concentrated in the American

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. All of the following refer to the election of 1980 except:

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. Ronald Reagan brought to the presidency

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. All of the following were policies of the Reagan administration except

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. President Reagan supported all of the following weapons systems except the

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. In his first term, President Reagan antagonized Soviet leaders by all of the following means except

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. The Reagan Doctrine was applied on the Caribbean island of Grenada for all of the following reasons except

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. The Reagan administration was challenged by terrorists in all of the following situations except

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. In the 1980s Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was most likely to be contracted by

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. The conservative agenda crashed head-on into which legacy of the 1960s.

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. President Reagan's agenda met setbacks toward the end of his second term in all of the following situations except

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. In the Iran-Contra affair, President Reagan's aides

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. President Reagan's greatest achievement in his last year in office is considered to have been

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. In the 1984 Presidential Election

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. The Reagan Doctrine supported despotic regimes as long as they were pro-American.

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. Sandra Day O'Connor, a conservative judge, became the first woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

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. Though the majority of the poor in the United States are whites, the "feminization" of poverty has hit African Americans particularly hard.

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. Two events in the fall of 1986 were connected: the United States traded arms to Iran, and the Sandinistas shot down a transport plane attempting to supply the Contras.

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. President Reagan's popularity at the end of his second term proved that Americans had a real affection for him.

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