Quiz Content

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. In the 1960s the liberal agenda favored

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. To assure the success of liberty, President Kennedy vowed in his inaugural address to do all of the following except

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. All of the following people lost their lives in the civil rights movement except

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. The Kennedy administration's defense policy

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. During the Cuban missile crisis

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. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson were similar in all of the following except their

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. The Great Society

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. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

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. President Johnson and his advisers believed which of the following about the war in Vietnam?

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. All of the following are accurate characterizations of the war at home except:

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. The "hawks" in the Vietnam War era included mostly the

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. In 1966 the slogan "black power" was first used by

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. The assassinations of both Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., coming within months of each other

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. The Election of 1968 was contested by all of the following except

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. The "fall" of the new liberalism of the 1960s was the result of

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. By 1960, SNCC had evolved into civil rights group for African Americans, while whites worked through their own groups.

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. Faith in economic growth drove the new liberalism of the 1960s.

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. The Democrats found an energetic candidate to carry their message in the election of 1960 in John F. Kennedy.

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. JFK won the election of 1960 by a very slim margin.

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. In 1961 the SNCC started a voter registration drive in Mississippi.

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