__________ was a Wall Street financier, who believed in regulation by ""socially responsible"" businessmen and who became the overseer of Woodrow Wilson's War Industries Board (WIB) during World War I. The WIB was set up to regulate prices, manufacturing, and transport.

__________ was a term used to describe the fear of communist influence or attack in the period from 1919 through 1920. This fear led to a number of restrictive laws as well as attacks on immigrants and union members.

__________ was a concept used during World War I by War Industries Board, which assured contractors the recovery of costs plus a percentage for profit. This allowed companies to build up revenues to launch new product lines after the war.

__________ was a manager of the government's propaganda office, called the Committee on Public Information (CPI), during World War I.

__________ was a dictator in Mexico from the late 19th century until his overthrow in 1911. Under his regime American and other foreign investment poured into the country to the point that U.S. interests owned 40 percent of the property in the country.

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