Quiz Content

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. Which of the following contributed to a trend toward progressive ideals at the turn of the last century?

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. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 resulted in

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. Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the "progressivism" of the turn of the century?

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. Jane Addams was one of the founders of

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. The NAACP won its first court battle in 1915 against the

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. Popular new forms of city government that appeared during the Progressive Era included all of the following except

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. Theodore Roosevelt derived his belief that reform was required to keep voters from turning to radical alternatives from his

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. Where business was concerned, the Square Deal included

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. Which of the following statements characterizes Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the nation's natural resources?

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. All of the following refer to foreign policy considerations of President Theodore Roosevelt except:

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. In the election of 1908 William Howard Taft defeated

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. The 1912 election featured all of the following candidates except

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. In the 1912 presidential election,

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. All of the following refer to the differences between Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson in respect to business combinations except:

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. Progressive presidents, like Progressive Americans, believed that

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. The national press encouraged Progressives to organize at the local, state, and federal levels.

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. Women led the transformation of politics through voluntary organizations and interest groups.

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. The greatest influence wielded by the Socialists was the push that it gave to conservatives to support moderate reforms.

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. Jane Addams's Hull House was a settlement house where immigrant women and children and Progressives lived alongside one another.

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. Ida Tarbell called her exposure of graft in St. Louis "the shame of the cities."

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