__________ was the mayor of New York City who, at the end of the War of 1812, proposed building a canal to connect Albany and Buffalo. The resulting canal revolutionized trade in the western portions of the United States.

__________ was one of two Shawnee leaders who built a pan-Indian alliance in order to resist white settlement in the West. His death in 1813 marked the end of organized Indian resistance east of the Mississippi.

__________ was the Chief Justice of the United States from 1801 to 1835, who established the concept of judicial review, thereby setting the Supreme Court on an equal footing with the other two branches of government.

__________ was the third president of the United States. During his two terms, 1801–1809, the United States acquired Louisiana, won a war with the Barbary states, and began an embargo against England that pushed the two countries close to war.

__________ is the term for the emotional religious gatherings that were a part of what is sometimes referred to as the Second Great Awakening, which began in Virginia and western New England. Perhaps fed by the isolation of the backcountry, it spread quickly into the newly settled areas of Kentucky and Tennessee.

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