__________ was a legal status whereby a woman had no legal rights or status apart from her husband. A married woman, for example, could not own property or sign contracts, and if she worked outside the home her wages went to her husband.

__________ was a Virginia delegate to the Continental Congress appointed, along with Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and two others, to draft a Declaration of Independence. Jefferson wrote the first draft largely on his own in a manner that reformulated familiar principles into a clear vision and in a way that made them simple, clear, and applicable to the American situation

Those who favored ratification of the Constitution were called __________. They tended to come from the merchant and upper classes, from the cities, and have a more national outlook on political issues.

Those who opposed ratification of the Constitution were called __________. They tended to come from the backcountry and have a more local outlook on political issues.

British subjects in the American colonies who continued to support Britain during the Independence movement were called __________.

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