__________were a band of Indians who stood to gain an advantage over their rivals at the end of the French and Indian War.

__________was a Bostonian son of a brewer and one of the most effective organizers of political resistance to British policies in the prewar era. He helped foment opposition to the Stamp Act.

__________ rose to the position of leader of the House of Commons during the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War). He was the first British leader who was as committed to a victory in the Americas as in Europe, believing that the future of the British Empire lay in the extended empire and its trade, and shifted Britain's aim in North America from simply regaining territory to seizing New France itself.

__________ is a British theory of government focusing on the rule of law and the principle of consent, in which one could not be subjected to laws or taxation except by duly elected representatives.

__________is the war that began in 1763 when the British abandoned the policy of the middle ground and cut off presents to the western Indians. In their uprising, the Indians destroyed nine British forts and attacked another four before the war ended in a draw.

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