Quiz Content

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. Most of the increase in colonial population during the 1700s was due to

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. The vast majority of European immigrants in the 18th century were

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. Most African slaves bound for the colonies

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. The voyage of slaves from African ports to the New World was called

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. Historians believe that increased production in this period came primarily from the

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. Which colony could be said to have the most diverse economy — engaging in activities from shipbuilding to agriculture to lumbering?

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. By the eve of the Revolution, each city had

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. As a result of slave revolts in the early 1700s in America,

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. The Great Awakening was

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. The Great Awakening was so popular because

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. The greatest impact of the Great Awakening was on people who lived

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. How did preachers during the Great Awakening treat slavery?

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. The Great Awakening and the Enlightenment caused the colonists to be more

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. Which statement best describes the founding of Georgia?

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. How did consumer behavior compare on both sides of the Atlantic during the early 18th century?

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. The largest group of European immigrants of the 1700s was the Scotch-Irish.

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. Colonial women were likely to marry younger and bear more children than their European counterparts.

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. Unlike the normal world pattern of an increasing population usually having a lower standard of living, in the mainland English colonies the increasing population enjoyed an improved standard of living.

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. In Colonial America, Europeans had very clear-cut notions of what was men's work and what was women's work.

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. As was true with the rest of the colonies, most of the exports from New England were shipped to England.

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