__________ was a prison reformer and founder of the Georgia colony. The initial charter banned slavery and the sale of alcohol. Those laws were soon overturned by settlers, who longed for the prosperity of neighboring colonies.

While England began its Industrial Revolution, British North America saw a/an __________, during which white Americans worked themselves (and their slaves) ever-harder in order to earn more money to purchase more consumer goods.

Published in 1776, _______ argued for the prominence of free markets and free labor and maintained that increased wealth, and therefore the ability to purchase material goods, would encourage hard work.

__________ was a philosophical movement growing out of the Renaissance that celebrated the power of human reason to know and understand the natural world. Especially important was the idea of human progress and improvement, and the search for knowledge—through experimentation and reasoning—that could improve the human condition.

__________ is one of several men credited with launching the First Great Awakening in colonial America. He began a tour of the colonies in Philadelphia in 1739, speaking in every North American British colony. His message of repentance and his challenge to existing earthly authority drew crowds of thousands, ushering in a spiritual revival.

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