The economic theory of __________ said that there was a finite amount of wealth, measured in gold and silver, in the world. National security therefore required each nation to amass as much wealth as possible at the expense of other nations. Colonies became a critical source of raw materials as well as markets for manufactured goods.

was a Pueblo medicine man who organized a revolt against Spaniards in the Southwest in 1680 after being arrested for practicing sorcery. The Pueblo Revolt drove the Spanish from New Mexico.

In 1688, __________ established that sovereignty lay not with the monarch but with Parliament and in political consensus, that English law had supremacy over the actions of the king, and that Parliament was independent of the monarchy.

led an army of poor whites and poor blacks against the Virginia governor. They attacked Indian tribes on the frontier and sacked Jamestown. The rebellion ended when he died of dysentery.

were radical Christians who broke away from English Puritans. They were also called the "Society of Friends" and believed salvation was available to all and that each person had the "Light of Christ" inside of them.

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