was the French explorer who established the Canadian city of Quebec in 1608 and created trading networks along the river and into the interior of Canada.

________ is a form of marriage where a man marries more than one wife. It was practiced among the Hurons in North America, as well as among some African nations.

Queen Elizabeth licensed __________ to establish a privateering base in North America at Roanoke. His endeavors were not entirely successful due in part to his participation in the war with Spain. In 1603 Elizabeth's successor, James I, had this person arrested as a traitor.

was a forerunner of the modern corporation. Groups of merchants pooled their financial resources and were in turn issued stocks in the company. This arrangement allowed England to colonize the Americas through private corporations instead of government funds.

is a European economic theory that held that a nation's security depended on how much wealth that nation had accumulated. Because the amount of gold and silver was presumed to be finite, one nation's wealth came at the expense of another nation. Colonies were seen as a way for nations to make money.

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