Police History

Quiz Content

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. The only two states that had a state police force by 1900 were

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. This group of citizens patrolled at night looking for fires and other problems:

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. Which of the following statements is true of urban-dispersion theory?

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. Why was the 1920s to the 1960s probably the most significant period in the development of policing in the United States?

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. The FBI was created to take over some of the duties of what agency?

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. By the 1960s, all states had some form of __________.

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. What was the name of the first detective unit created in England?

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. Which of the following statements is true of the disorder-control theory?

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. The reform era was arguably the most significant period in the development of policing in the United States because _________.

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. According to advocates of the reform model, what is the primary purpose of the police?

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. Reform efforts began to be questioned during the 1960s as a result of __________.

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. Which of the following is true of policing during the political era?

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. The history of policing in the United States most often focuses exclusively on the history of policing in the northern territories, which overlooks what areas of historical importance?

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. What is the word, from Spanish origin, that means "watchman" or "guard?"

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. What is defined as an attempt to improve police behavior and performance by adopting a code of ethics and improving selection, training, and management of police departments?

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. Which of the following is NOT a principle of the Metropolitan Police Act of 1829?

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. To explain the development of police departments, this theory suggest that increases in criminal activity created a climate of fear and a need for a new type of police:

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. Which of the following is considered a prominent spokesman for police reform?

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. Under the frankpledge system, what was the name of the group called out to pursue fleeing felons?

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. What federal agency is responsible for investigating counterfeiting?

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. Vigilante movements were the most common in the American South during the nineteenth century.

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. The reform model of policing preceded the political model.

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. Advocates of the reform model of policing felt that the primary purpose of the police should be service.

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. J. Edgar Hoover was one of the most prominent spokesmen in favor of the political model.

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. August Vollmer is often called the father of modern police administration.

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. One of the earliest forms of policing, kin policing, was highly formal and characterized by legally binding rules.

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. According to the Peelian principles of policing, the police must be free from governmental control.

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. Highway patrol generally has broader law enforcement powers than do state police.

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. Despite the vast knowledge about the history of policing, no theories have been proposed to explain the development of police departments.

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. The United States Secret Service provides security for the federal courts.

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. The Peelian model of policing emphasized apprehension more than prevention.

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. In the southern colonies of the United States, slave patrols represented the first form of modern policing, existing as early as the mid-1700s.

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. Prior to 1900, only Texas and Massachusetts had formed a state police force.

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. One of the responsibilities of modern sheriff includes providing security for the court system.

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. The Progessive Era called for more authority for public officials and honesty and efficiency in government.

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. The political era of policing was characterized by numerous reform s that essentially ended the influence of politics on law enforcement.

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. Prior to the Civil War, there were eight types of federal law enforcement activities.

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. The Great Depression of the 1930s actually made police reform easier.

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. The disorder-control theory explains the development of police in terms of the need to suppress mob violence.

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. Local police have a clear role in fighting terrorism.

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