Police in a Democracy

Quiz Content

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. The United States has a republican form of government known as federalism, which means that

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. Under our form of government, the executive branch is responsible for

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. Criminal laws are concerned with

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. Driving under the influence of alcohol is the violation of what type of law?

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. This Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bail.

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. The Confrontation Clause is found in which Amendment?

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. The right to an attorney is found in which Amendment?

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. Civil laws are concerned with

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. This Amendment deals with search and seizure:

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. Which of the following is the most common type of local law enforcement agency?

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. The following is a difference between rural and urban police:

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. The police department of a college campus would be an example of what type of policing?

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. To integrate a county police department and a city police department would be an example of what type of policing?

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. This type of police work emphasizes police-initiated activities by the individual officer and the department:

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. Which of the following is NOT considered to be a goal of the police?

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. The judicial branch of government is responsible for law enforcement.

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. The organization of the US police tends to follow the geographical and political structure of the US government.

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. The legalistic model of policing is based on the assumption that political influence has a corrupting influence on policing.

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. Consolidated agencies are commonly found in urban areas.

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. Rural police appear to be more efficient than urban police and more respected by the public.

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. The Fourth Amendment is concerned with the right to counsel.

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. The right against double jeopardy is found in the Fifth Amendment.

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. Contract law enforcement would involve an officer signing a contract to provide security at bars, restaurants, or sporting events.

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. Community policing is an example of a strategy, whereas foot patrol is a tactic.

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. Intelligence-led policing is the newest and least developed strategy and focuses mainly on crime reduction aided by high-tech approaches to prediction, prevention, and suppression.

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. Police decision-making and goals are rarely influenced by the extent and type of crime that is taking place within a department's jurisdiction.

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. Vigilantism is an example of citizen participation in law enforcement.

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. The accused has the right to an attorney as provided by the Fifth Amendment.

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. The criminal justice system includes two parts: police and courts.

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. On average, the police spend most of their time invoking the law through arrests and citations.

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