Neuroscience 6e Chapter 20 Summary
Despite their specialized function, the systems that control eye movements have much in common with the motor systems that govern movements of other parts of the body. Just as the spinal cord provides the basic circuitry for coordinating the actions of muscles around a joint, the reticular formation of the pons and midbrain provides the basic circuitry that mediates movements of the eyes. Descending projections from upper motor neurons in the superior colliculus and the frontal eye field innervate gaze centers in the brainstem, providing a basis for integrating eye movements with sensory information that indicates the location of objects in space. The superior colliculus and the frontal eye field are organized in a parallel as well as a hierarchical fashion, enabling one of these structures to compensate for the loss of the other. Eye movements, like other movements, are also under the control of the basal ganglia and cerebellum; this control ensures the proper initiation and successful execution of these relatively simple motor behaviors, thus allowing observers to interact efficiently with the visual environment.