Quiz Content

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. Which god is the special bane of Odysseus?

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. Circe turned some of Odysseus' men into:

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. Odysseus had to go to the Underworld to:

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. Odysseus was taken home at the end of his voyage by:

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. The Laestrygonians were:

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. The goddess with whom Odysseus lived for seven years was:

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. Odysseus was able to sail past the sirens by:

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. The soul of what hero praises Penelope?

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. Who was the queen of the Phaeacians?

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. Who is Eumaeus?

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. Which of the following kings was detained in Egypt?

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. How does Aeolus try to help Odysseus?

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. According to Homer, how will Odysseus eventually die?

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. Which goddess especially protected Odysseus?

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. How did Odysseus and his men offend the god Helius?

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. Among what people were Odysseus' men almost lulled into staying, forgetting their own homeland?

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. How did Odysseus escape from the lair of the Cyclops?

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. Who is the princess that takes Odysseus to her father's palace?

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. Which character learns of Odysseus' identity through a scar?

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. On his way home from the Trojan War, Ajax the Lesser was killed when he:

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. What may be the meaning of Odysseus' name?

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. What is the meaning of Penelope's usual epithet periphron?

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. Who is the first suitor to be killed by Odysseus?

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. Who is sent to order Calypso to allow Odysseus to set sail?

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. Who returns to Crete only to find that his wife has committed adultery?

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