
Perseus Vase Catalog/Demeter


Here you will find a nice selection of vases from Perseus in which the god Demeter figures. Read the vase descriptions and click on the images of those which interest you. (Note: Not all of the images may be available to you.)



Scroll down and investigate some of the ancient sources concerning Demeter. At the bottom of the page you can access the picture gallery containing images of Demeter. Pay particular attention to the sculptural pieces.



Scroll down and investigate some of the ancient sources concerning Persephone. At the bottom of the page you will find a link to various images of Persephone.

Plutone e Proserpina


Thais—1200 Years of Italian Sculpture. Scroll down to Bernini Gian Lorenzo and click the thumbnail of his bronze statue of the abduction of Persephone (Proserpina) by Hades (Plutone).

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