Instructions: Choose the form of the verb(s) that agrees with the subject.

Note: In the feedback, "Concise" refers to the related section in the Concise edition of The Canadian Writer's Handbook. "Essentials" refers to the related section in the Essentials edition of the handbook.

Quiz Content

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. A lack of financial funding and support ______ responsible for the decline in high school arts courses.

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. The criteria for the scholarship application ______ available on the college website.

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. It ______ leaders like Sharifa that make me glad to work for this organization.

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. Some of the evidence that we see in the essay ______ ineffective, but most of the examples ______ relevant.

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. Most of the answers ______ found in the instructor's course kit.

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. Our team of experienced and new players ______ excited to reach the quarter finals.

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. A famous cellist, as well as a brass quartet, ______ going to play at the concert on Sunday.

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. Here on the left ______ the art gallery and the natural science museum.

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. The committee ______ of tax specialists, accountants, and lawyers.

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. She is the only one of the three candidates who ______ qualified for the position.

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