Policing and Multiculturalism

Quiz Content

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1. Which of the following best describes the police practice of denying equal protection to racial and ethnic minorities in the United States by failing to protect them from violent racist actions by Whites and by inadequately responding to problems of crime and neglect in minority neighborhoods?

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2. Which of the following best describes this characterization of policing: police officers establishing intimate relationships with the community and politics heavily influencing police departments and police practices. The police had limited technology during this time, thus they walked beats which encouraged police-community interaction.

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3. Problem-oriented policing, a component of community policing, involves a two-step approach to addressing specific crimes in the community.

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4. In an attempt to understand the lack of adequate representation of minorities hired by police departments, which of the following reasons are accurate:

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5. Recent Gallup polls indicate that the public has very positive attitudes towards the police despite the number of dramatic incidents involving African Americans.

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