Quiz Content

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. Clause 14 of the Editors' Code states: 'Journalists have a ____ obligation to protect confidential sources of information.'

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. The Ofcom Broadcasting Code says that if a contributor to a programme has been guaranteed anonymity in it, this guarantee can be revoked 'if circumstances have changed in a material and significant way since the guarantee was given.'

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. What is a whistleblower?

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. Journalists who refuse to reveal a source's identity can cite which article of the European Convention on Human Rights as a defence?

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. Use of state powers, by police or Government agencies, when trying to discover the identity of a journalist's source, should be:

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. A journalist can be jailed for refusing to reveal their source.

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. The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 gives the UK's security and intelligence services, police and a wide range of other public authorities, including local authorities, legal powers to access communications data for a wide range of purposes. If the Act is used to get data for the purpose of identifying or confirming a source of journalistic information, and the authorisation is not to help avert an imminent threat to life, it must be approved by a Judicial Commissioner, who will consider:

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. Under Section 11 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), 'journalistic material which a person holds in _______' is categorised as 'excluded material'.

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. Journalists should guarantee confidentiality to any source who asks for it.

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. Section 10 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 says that no court can require a person to disclose a source of information unless the court is satisfied that certain criteria apply. What are those criteria?

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