Quiz Content

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. Under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 media organisations should avoid publishing material about an active case which creates:

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. A editor who did not know, or had no reason to believe, that the material they published would be in breach of the Contempt of Court Act will be exempt from any offence if they didn't intend to publish it.

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. Under the Contempt of Court Act 1981 a case is 'active' when:

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. Once a defendant is sentenced for a crime, it's safe for a media organisation to publish details of the defendant's previous convictions.

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. If an appeal is launched a case becomes active again. Why should the media not be concerned about what to publish once an appeal is launched?

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. If a warrant has been issued for an arrest and the police give out the name and description of a suspect, with a warning that he may be violent, can the media safely publish this?

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. It is the responsibility of the police to inform journalists when an arrest has been made and so the case is active.

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. Which of the following pieces of information is safe to publish about a defendant once a case is active:

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. Section 4 of the 1981 Act says that a person cannot be found guilty of breaching the Act's strict liability rule in respect of a report of a court hearing, if the report is of a hearing held in public, a fair and accurate report of that hearing; published contemporaneously and published in good ____.

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. If a journalist wants to publish a feature about a general issue of public interest, at the same time as a court case in which the issue features, which is the safest course of action to take:

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