Quiz Content

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. Motives for imperialism in the late 19th century included a need for

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. Rudyard Kipling’s The White Man’s Burden reflects Western, __________ attitudes toward people of color.

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. Ingredients for Coca-Cola in th early 20th century came from

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. US officials undermined Cuba’s quest for independence and questioned their fitness for self-rule primarily because

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. Which country, in the wake of the Spanish-American war, declared itself a Republic, elected a constituent assembly, and wrote a constitution?

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. One of the ways that US officials attempted to prove that they were treating the Filipion elites as equals was illustrados, or

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. American diplomats promoted the principle of the open door, meaning

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. The Boxer Rebellion attacked

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. Japan resisted Western domination through

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. The US replaced Britain as Latin America’s cheif creditor and consumer by

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