Quiz Content

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. The term "globalization," as it was used in the later twentieth century, referred to

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. Social Security faces a long-term challenge because

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. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) established a low-tariff trading zone among all of the following except

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. George H. W. Bush's administration was characterized by all of the following except

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. In the 1992 presidential campaign,

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. Compared to his father, President George W. Bush

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. The "New World Order" envisioned by President George H.W. Bush encompassed all of the following concepts except

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. The Persian Gulf War was launched primarily to liberate which country from Iraqi control?

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. Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the circumstances leading up to Operation Desert Storm?

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. Following the Persian Gulf War, Americans withdrew from the ideals of the New World Order because

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. The 27th Amendment to the US Constitution

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. Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" featured

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. When federal agents converged on the cabin of Randy Weaver in Ruby Ridge, Idaho,

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. Why was Bill Clinton impeached?

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. The Rodney King riots

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. In Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the court

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. The 1996 Defense of Marriage Act

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. How many planes did terrorists hijack on 9/11?

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. What did the USA Patriot Act do?

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. What is neoconservatism?

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. Which of the following contributed to the financial crisis of 2008?

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. What was the first Hollywood film to earn more than a billion dollars?

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. _______ was a US base in Cuba used to house and sometimes torture prisoners during the war on terror.

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. The Cold War helped promote globalization.

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. Globalization of the American economy was welcomed by all Americans.

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. Trade barriers were an impediment to globalization.

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. In the 1990s and 2000s, innovations in electronics continued to transform communications.

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. Politics during the 1990s were closely and intensely contested even though most Americans had little faith in the national government.

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. The Bush administration protected civil liberties even at the cost of less information-gathering.

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. The 2008 financial crisis was in part caused by Americans' over-borrowing.

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