Quiz Content

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. The sit-ins to desegregate lunch counters were launched in 1960 in

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. The civil rights organization that sprang from the sit-ins was the

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. Liberals in the early 1960s supported all of the following except

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. Kennedy defeated Nixon in 1960 by

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. The space program of the 1960s served all of the following purposes except

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. With regard to civil rights activism, JFK can best be described as

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. Southern leaders who tried to block desegregation included all of the following except

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. The Kennedy administration's defense policy

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. Kennedy initially replied to the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba by

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. Kennedy's confrontation with Soviet premier Khrushchev in 1961 resulted in

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. All of the following refer to President Johnson's "war on poverty" except

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. All of the following refer to General William Westmoreland except

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. All of the following were arguments of "doves" who objected to President Johnson's policies in Vietnam except

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. The campaign of 1968 is remembered for all of the following except

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. Nixon's election in 1968 is usually attributed to all of the following except

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. 1960s Supreme Court decisions such as Griswold v. Connecticut affirmed which right?

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. The leading "new conservative" during the early 1960s was

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. How did New Left activists feel about liberalism?

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. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 did which of the following?

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. The Peace Corps was intended to achieve which of the following goals?

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. The Great Society

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. The Election of 1968 was contested by all of the following except

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. The map shows the distribution of votes by state for the three presidential candidates in 1968: Nixon, Republican; Humphrey Democratic, Wallace American Independent. Nixon won 301 electoral votes, or 56%, and 31,785,480 popular votes, or 43.4% from the following states: California, 40; Oregon, 6; Nevada, 3; Montana, 4; Idaho, 4; Utah, 4; Arizona, 5; Wyoming, 3; Colorado, 6; New Mexico, 4; North Dakota, 4; South Dakota, 4; Nebraska, 5; Kansas, 7; Oklahoma, 8; Iowa, 9; Missouri, 12; Wisconsin, 12; Illinois, 26; Kentucky, 9; Tennessee, 11; Indiana, 13; Ohio, 26; Florida, 14; South Carolina, 8; North Carolina, 12; Virginia, 12; New Hampshire, 4; Vermont, 3; New Jersey, 17; Delaware, 3; Alaska, 3. Humphrey won 191 electoral votes, or 36%, and 31,275,165 popular votes, or 42.7% from the following states: Washington, 9; Texas, 25; Minnesota, 10; Michigan, 21; Maine, 4; New York, 43; Pennsylvania, 29; West Virginia, 7; West Maryland, 10; East Maryland, 3; Hawaii, 4. Wallace won 46 electoral votes, or 8%, and 9,906,473 popular votes, or 13.5% from the following states: Arkansas, 6; Louisiana, 10; Mississippi, 7; Alabama, 10; Georgia, 12; North Carolina, 1. Minor parties popular votes is 221,134 or 0.3%.
Map 26-4: The Presidential Election, 1968. The map illustrates the effects of which of the following historical developments?

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. Americans approached the beginning of the decade of the 1960s with a sense of hope and optimism.

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. A new generation of African Americans abandoned the quick pace of the previous generation of Black activists.

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. The Democrats found an energetic candidate to carry their message in the election of 1960 in Robert Kennedy.

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. JFK won the landslide election of 1960.

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. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

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. Sit down strikes were tactics initiated in Greensboro, North Carolina, where Black protestors would demand to be served at whites-only lunch counters. When refused service, they would politely sit, refusing to leave, and return the next day. The success of the tactic encouraged antiwar protestors to copy it.

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. Judy Smith wears flowers and has face paint with designs of heart and a text Joy.
A Summer Flower Child. The person involved would be likely to agree with the New Right.

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