Quiz Content

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. Which of the following characteristics describe Anthony Comstock?

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. How did nineteenth-century society portray the differences between men and women?

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. Why did Luna Kellie join the Farmers' Alliance?

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. Which of the following statements best describes the impact of the Catholic church on ethnic immigrant groups?

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. Which of the following statements best describes nineteenth-century urban culture?

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. By 1915, the United States had the highest rate of what in the world?

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. Which of the following was an Anglo-Saxon idea according to Josiah Strong?

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. Neurasthenia was a nineteenth-century medical term meaning

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. Josiah Strong believed Catholicism threatened American values and culture because

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. How did Victorian doctors define homosexuality?

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. Which of the following was a reform demanded by Mugwumps?

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. Why did Greenbackers want to issue more currency?

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. What was the Civil Service Commission authorized to do?

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. The Grange aimed to eliminate the role of

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. Which of the following was a reform advocated by the Populists?

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. How did southern Populists try to gain power?

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. Henry George's "producer's ideology" envisioned a world in which

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. How did Edward Bellamy think that industrial civilization could solve social problems?

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. What was Americans' response to the Women's Christian Temperance Union "crusade"?

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. Which of the following statements best describes American foreign policy during the Gilded Age?

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. What did proponents of the gold standard say that a shift to the silver or paper standard would lead to?

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. Which of the following statements best characterizes the Hayes administration?

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. The _______ was one of the first attempts to organize farmers into cooperatives.

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. Map shows Population of Foreign Birth by Region, 18 80. 30 percent and over is in west of the Lakes, many areas in the west states, and places in the north border of Mexico. 20 to 29 percent was in many areas in the west and center states, and also on the east and far north east of Lake Ontario. 10 to 19 percent was in many areas in all states except those in the South East. 1 to 9 percent was in many areas across all states except those in South West. No foreign-born population, under 1 percent, or unsettled is in the states in South east America, in Indian territory and Dakota territory.
Map 17-2: Population of Foreign Birth by Region, 1880. The map indicates the validity of which of the following statements?

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. Urban centers crystallized Americans' ambivalence about social change.

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. American men and women have historically always been devoted to sports and athletic activities; nineteenth-century crazes were part of this tradition.

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. As immigration increased, nativist rhetoric grew more racist.

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. Political participation increased in the late nineteenth century.

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. Women shared in popular politics.

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. Boss rule influenced politics in many American cities.

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