Quiz Content

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. Between 1873 and 1893, the nation's and world's economies spiraled into depression. These depressed periods were characterized by

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. State governments formed National Guards for the purpose of

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. Many immigrants came to the United States intending to

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. Jewish immigration to the United States from Russia was largely a result of

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. A distinguishing aspect of big businesses of the late nineteenth century was that they

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. In 1882, John D. Rockefeller devised the _______ as a solution to the problem of competition.

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. All of the following were characteristics of the new American wealthy elite except

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. Common laborers were difficult to organize because

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. Which of the following statement best describes the state of American cities in the late 19th century?

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. What industry did Andrew Carnegie come to dominate?

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. What is horizontal consolidation?

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. What is Social Darwinism?

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. The West was drawn into the political economy of capitalism in all of the following ways except

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. Farming in the West was different from farming in the East in all of the following ways except that

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. Why did open-range herding in the west decline?

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. Which of the following reforms did the Knights of Labor advocate?

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. What happened during the Haymarket Disaster?

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. Why did white workers resent Chinese immigrant laborers?

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. Which of the following statements best describes the development of mining in the West?

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. Which of the following developments made migration easier in the late nineteenth century?

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. In the early twentieth century, increasing numbers of immigrants to the United States came from

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. Which two groups took over and sold much of the land in the West?

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. Map shows The Growth of Railroads, 18 50 to 18 90 in North America. Railroads in operation in 1840 was in very few and short distances in the east of America. Railroads in operation in 18 70 were complex below the lakes Michigan, Erie, and Ontario and in east America. A single railroad line went from the central network to San Francisco. Railroads in operation in 19 20 were more complex in east and central America, and sparse but spread across west America.
Map 16-2: The Growth of Railroads, 1850-1890. Which factors allowed for such development?

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. After 1870, European instability spurred greater migration to America.

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. Andrew Carnegie's successful career was a typical outcome for Americans who worked hard and were frugal.

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. Big businesses were large factories owned and managed by the same person.

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. The American economy was changed by big business.

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. Conspicuous consumption became the defining characteristic of America's wealthy elite.

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. A vertically integrated company is organized to promote cutthroat competition.

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. Men are shown as engaged in different activities of meat packaging. They stand near equipment and bodies of dead animals.
Packingtown. The photo illustrates one step in a horizontally integrated industry.

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