Quiz Content

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. What did John Dennett find when he visited a Freedmen's Bureau court?

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. The Banks Plan included all of the following except

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. Lincoln's "Ten Per Cent Plan" did all of the following except

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. Special Field Order No. 15

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. Among other things, the Freedmen's Bureau

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. President Johnson's failed attempt at Reconstruction required that Confederate states

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. How do the Black Codes reflect the context of the political economy of the post-Civil War era?

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. Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. His action prompted Congress to propose

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. The Fourteenth Amendment granted

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. The 1866–67 shift in the Republican Party from moderate to radical occurred because

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. The combination of credit available largely through merchants and landowners and increased railroad service

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. In the Reconstruction South, the Ku Klux Klan

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. The issue of Black voting

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. Reconstruction finally ended when

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. Regarding the election of 1876,

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. What happened after "Custer's Last Stand"?

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. What did the Dawes Severalty Act do?

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. What became the "fashion" in the Grant administration?

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. Which of the following best describes the economic New South?

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. How did America's foreign policy change during Reconstruction?

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. The Fifteenth Amendment

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. The Wade-Davis Bill of 1864 provided that

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. White men hide behind a fence and fire at a group of negros who walk. Some of the negros lie dead on the ground. Some of them shake their bodies in pain. Reconstruction Violence. Which of the following figures would have been most likely to urge Congress to take action to deter such violence?

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. Immediately following the Civil War, several different labor arrangements were experimented with.

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. Lincoln's "Ten Per Cent Plan" stipulated that African Americans were guaranteed the right to vote.

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. Forming legal marriages, establishing Black schools, and owning land were important to freed African Americans. The most important of those freedoms was owning land.

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. When President Johnson took office in April 1865, it was not clear whether he or Congress would control Reconstruction.

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. President Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The Republican Congress overrode Johnson's veto.

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. The strongest power in labor contracts that freedpeople had was the shortage of labor in the South.

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. Map of the Overland Trails. Boston Post Road is across Boston, Plymouth, and Providence. Great Genesee road is from Albany towards the west up to Lake Erie. Pennsylvania road is across Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Chicago T p k is from Chicago to Detroit. Forbes road is from Pittsburg towards the west. Valley Road is from west of Baltimore down south. It continues as the Great Trading Path. The Great Trading Path divides into Nashville Road and Natchez Trace. Natchez Trace reaches Natchez and then continues as El Camino Real to San Antonio. The Upper Emigrant Trail is from San Antonio to El Paso. Scioto Trail is from National Road up towards Lake Erie. Mormon Trail is far north of Fort Leavenworth. Pony Express and Overland Stage is towards west from Fort Leavenworth. Bozeman Trail north of Pont Express moves towards Bozeman. Overland Stage moves towards Fort Bridger. Oregon Trail is from Fort Hall to Fort Vancouver. There is another Trail from Fort Crittenden to Sutter's Fort. The Los Angeles Salt Lake Trail is from Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Old Spanish Trail is near Colorado. Taos Trail is from Bent's Fort towards the west. Map 15-4: The Overland Trail. This map illustrates how manifest destiny continued to be an active force in American life.

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