Quiz Content

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. The greatest challenge facing the Second Continental Congress was to

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. By sending an attacking force to Canada in 1775, Congress hoped to achieve all of the following except

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. In his pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine presented the argument that

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. What happened when the British attacked New York in 1776?

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. Eventually, the most important principle of the Declaration of Independence was

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. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government that had the authority to

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. Compared to the national government, the state governments

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. One of the strategies of the British Army during the Revolution was to

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. The term Hessian refers to

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. France and Spain entered the war on the American side because

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. Following the American Revolution, discussions about women's role in society

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. What did Americans who moved west expect from their new government?

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. The delegates who met in Philadelphia in 1787 were primarily

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. Antifederalists were typically

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. What was the central problem in creating a new Constitution in 1787?

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. What does the story of Abigail Adams illustrate?

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. What was the Northwest Ordinance?

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. How did the war play out in the South Carolina backcountry?

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. America received all of the following concessions in the Treaty of Paris except

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. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton favored

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. Which of the following describes Federalist tactics during the ratification process?

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. All of the following problems were left unresolved after the Revolutionary era except

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Articles of Confederation Virginia Plan New Jersey Plan Constitution
Executive None Chosen by Congress Plural; chosen by Congress President chosen by Electoral College
Congress One house; one vote per state Two houses One house Two houses
Judiciary None Yes Yes Yes
Federalism Limited; each state retains full sovereignty Yes; Congress can veto state laws Yes; acts of Congress the “supreme law of the states” Yes; Constitution the “supreme law of the land”; states guaranteed a republican form of government; Supreme Court to adjudicate disputes between states
Powers of Congress Conduct diplomacy and wage war; cannot levy taxes or raise army All powers of Articles of Confederation, plus power to make laws for nation All powers of Articles of Confederation, plus power to regulate commerce and make states pay taxes Numerous powers, such as levy taxes, declare war, raise army, regulate commerce, and “make all laws which shall be necessary and proper” for carrying out those powers
Table 7-1: Key Provisions of the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan, and the Constitution. According to the table, which of the following statements is accurate?

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. King George III was willing to consider a compromise to the squabbles with the colonies, but members of Parliament dissuaded him from doing so.

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. The American economy boomed after the Revolutionary War.

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. During the Revolutionary War, the American army continued to swell in size as each year went by.

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. Loyalists were subject to reprisals from patriots if British troops were withdrawn from the countryside.

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. In the years following the Revolution, land west of the Appalachians occupied by Native American tribes was gradually grabbed by land speculators, squatters, and state governments.

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. The war in the South would best be characterized as a series of chases and small battles which served to strengthen the British army.

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. A map of the eastern and east central United States shows the cession of lands in Northwest Territory. The Territory included present-day Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, West Virginia, and central Kentucky. New York ceded present-day West Virginia and eastern Tennessee in 1782. Virginia ceded parts of present-day Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in 1784. Massachusetts ceded southern Michigan in 1785. Connecticut ceded northern Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois in 1786. North Carolina ceded eastern Tennessee in 1790. Virginia ceded central Kentucky in 1792. A part of northeastern Tennessee was Franklin between 1784 and 1787. Georgia ceded lands to its west in 1802.
Map 7-4: Western Land Cessions. The map illustrates the disorder of state relations under the Articles of Confederation.

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