Feature History explains the causes and effects of the Seven Year, also known as the French and Indian War
The Mount Vernon Organization writes about Edward Braddock, a general who commanded British forces in the unsuccessful 1755 campaign to expel the French from the Ohio Valley near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
In this Crash Course, John Green instructs on the roots of the American Revolution.
Web Links
The New Historian writes about “The War of Jenkins' Ear,” a conflict between Britain and Spain lasting from 1739 to 1748. Though it did not formally end until 1748, its major operations largely ended by 1742.
The History Channel details how an attack by Native American warriors under the command of Ottawa Chief Pontiac ushered in what became known as Pontiac’s Rebellion.
The Freedom Trail discusses the significance of the Boston Massacre and Crispus Attucks.
PBS details the events and legacy of the first Continental Congress
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