Quiz Content

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. The life of don Luís de Velasco, "Paquiquineo," illustrates which one of the following principles?

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. Even though European colonies were different from one another, they had all of the following in common except

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. Which of the following explorers is correctly matched with the region he explored?

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. The French found the "gold" they were looking for in North America in

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. Which nation found itself at the center of European political and economic competition in the New World?

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. In the middle of the sixteenth century, the Hurons typically

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. The term "middle ground" refers to all of the following except the

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. The Dutch colony known as New Netherland was shaped by

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. Henry Hudson, an English sea captain,

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. Colonists were enticed by all of the following policies or attitudes of the New Netherland settlements except

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. By the 1660s, New Netherland was in serious economic trouble because of all of the following except

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. Prior to establishing North American colonies, England had gained experience from its colonization of Ireland, during which the English monarchy

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. Which of the following statements about the English colonization efforts at Roanoke is accurate?

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. European nations established colonies in North America to achieve political or economic advantage over their rivals. Which of the following is not an accurate representation of the era?

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. By the middle of the seventeenth century, the supply of beaver near European settlements

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. The Beaver Wars of the mid-1600s

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. By the end of the sixteenth century, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England

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. What led to the political unity necessary for England to begin building its empire?

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. Two cousins named Richard Hakluyt are best known for

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. Which of the following statements best reflects New Netherland's attitude towards enslavement?

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. Sir Francis Drake was a(n)

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. Early French attempts to establish colonies in North America

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. Map shows the Iroquois Region in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century. French Settlement is in Quebec, Trois Rivieres, and Montreal. Dutch Settlement is in Fort Orange and New Amsterdam. English settlement was at Boston, Springfield, Hartford, and New Haven. Native towns are at Onondaga, Schaghticoke, and Caughnawaga. Indian nation are Senecas, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, Mohawks, Mahicans, Esopus, Algonquians, Mohegans, Wampanoags, Eastern Abenakis, Algonquians, Susquehannocks, Delawares, and Montagnais. Indians dispersed before 1670 are Petuns, Hurons, and Neutrals.
Map 2-3: The Iroquois Region in the Middle of the Seventeenth Century. The map illustrates which of the following developments?

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. Because Spain had gotten so rich so quickly, the other European nations followed its example and funded their own elaborate exploration expeditions to the New World.

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. Spanish forts were established around the Florida peninsula to protect Spanish ships from piracy.

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. Samuel de Champlain realized that to have a profitable trade with the Indians, he would have to adapt to some of their customs.

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. The colonies' role in mercantilism was to serve as a source of raw materials and as a market for finished goods.

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. The population of Roanoke grew rapidly during the late 1500s.

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. Throughout the sixteenth century, European nations cooperated to establish lasting colonies in the Americas.

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. Near a river there are lot of pebbles on the banks. One man walks inside the water and removes his shirt. There are tents on the banks of the river. Men cook food, sleep in tents, and walk around in the place.
French and Indian traders. The painting, "Voyageurs at Dawn" illustrates how French traders used violence to achieve their aims in the New World.

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