Quiz Content

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. Who were the Grimké sisters?

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. Separatist communities sought to create more perfect societies on earth, an effort they undertook by _______ and instituting tightly controlled spiritual, social, and economic regimens.

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. One of the earliest covenanted societies, initially led by Ann Lee, was

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. The most enduring of the early-nineteenth century millennial communities is the

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. All of the following statements about the Benevolent Empire are true except

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. The American Bible Society is an example of a network of charities and associations called the

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. The new urban middle class of the 1830s tended to receive their income in the form of _______, rather than _______.

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. The new urban middle class described the industrial economy as a test of personal character: success demonstrated _______ and _______.

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. _______ became the primary symbol of urban middle-class respectability in the 1830s.

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. What most distinguished Irish immigrants from other members of United States populace during the early nineteenth century?

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. In the 1830s, American reformers began to refocus their efforts away from broad programs of social perfection to endeavors that centered on _______ and external restraint.

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. The first temperance society was formed in 1808 in _______; by 1834 there were at least 5,000 state and local temperance societies.

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. In the late 1830s, educational reformer Horace Mann reassured middle-class parents that relying on an extrafamilial institution such as the common school was both right and natural; he also argued that

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. In the first years of the republic, Americans tended to think of crime as a problem of _______, not _______; fair laws would nurture good republican character, and good republican citizens would respect laws they had a hand in passing.

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. From the 1820s on, the solution to the increasing crime rate that enjoyed the greatest popularity was the establishment of state prison systems. These systems operated by variants on a single principle: the first step toward the rehabilitation of prisoners was to

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. The formation of the Working Men's Party implied that workers remained optimistic that reforms could occur but also that workers

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. How did political abolitionism emerge?

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. What was the response to radical abolitionists such as Elijah Lovejoy in the early nineteenth century?

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. What culture did the lyceum movement and periodicals such as Godey's Lady's Book promote?

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. What was the direct effect of the Seneca Falls Convention?

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. In the late 1840s, labor movements began to focus their efforts on legislative reform; the issue of _______ reemerged as a central point of labor organizing.

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. In his 1841 essay "Self-Reliance," _______ supported the power of the independent mind not only to understand the material environment but to achieve a spiritual wholeness with the world; he tried to distinguish true independence of mind from mindless rushing after preferment and celebrity.

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. Map showing revival and reforms in regions to the east of Lake Erie and to the south of Lake Ontario. Many Mormons are distributed more near the north west of Waterloo and south of Seneca Falls. Shaker communities are just five in number and are found one each near Waterloo, Seneca Falls, Utica, Rochester, and south east of Lake Ontario. There are several anti-slavery churches distributed to the South of Lake Ontario and east of Lake Erie. Many 1831 revivals are distributed to the South of Lake Ontario and east of Lake Erie.
Map 11-1: Revival and Reform. The map indicates that which of the following statements is true?

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. Striking workers accomplished immediate and long-lasting labor reform in the 1830s.

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. The organizing of laborers that began in the 1820s exploded in the 1830s among craft workers and workers long excluded from craft recognition.

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. Urban households of moderate means were virtually immune to catastrophic economic reversals in the new industrial economy of the 1830s.

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. The constant, restless migration of Americans westward provoked alarm among the eastern, urban middle class.

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. Until the 1850s, free African American children were excluded from public common schools and public school tax monies were not used to establish schools for them.

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. Much of the internal migration of the 1830s and 1840s involved city dwellers moving to rural farmlands.

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. Flames engulf the two-storied Pennsylvania Hall. Men stand on carts and try to quench the fire with a hose. Many men stand outside the building and watch the hall on fire. The text at the bottom of the painting reads, Destruction by Fire of Pennsylvania Hall.
The Burning of Pennsylvania Hall. The incident depicted indicates the newfound power of moral reform groups at the time.

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