Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Questions

Mass spectrometry applications

Quiz Content

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. What type of mass spectrometer is used for radiocarbon dating?

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. In biotransformation studies what type of mass spectrometer is typically used for neutral loss scanning in order to determine the metabolised form of a drug?

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. What has been one of the most successful areas of clinical application for mass spectrometry since the 1990s?

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. Which of the following is currently a significant challenge in metabolomics

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. What is one way in which mass spectrometry plays an important role in precision medicine?

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. Which of the following best describes bottom-up proteomics?

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. Which of the following is a recognised method in quantitative proteomics?

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. The neutral loss of 98 Da from a peptide ion is diagnostic of which common protein post-translational modification?

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. Under denaturing electrospray ionization conditions a protein gives a spectrum with a base peak [M+30H]30+ = m/z 917.67. Under native ESI conditions, the base peak is seen at [M+11H]11+ = m/z 2547.1. What can be

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. Which of following ionization methods is not currently used in mass spectrometry imaging?

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