Quiz Content

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. 1. Criminal law is a type of law pertaining to

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. 2. Civil law is a type of law pertaining to

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. 3. Statutory law is a type of law pertaining to

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. 4. Administrative law is a type of law pertaining to

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. 5. Constitutional law is a type of law pertaining to

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. 6. A defined set of cases that avoids a lower court and goes directly to the Supreme Court falls under

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. 7. The types of cases in which the Supreme Court reviews legal issues decided by a lower court fall under

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. 8. The power of a court to overturn a law or official government action because it is deemed unconstitutional is called

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. 9. ___________ is a belief that the Constitution should be interpreted only according to the intent of its authors and the intent of the state legislators who ratified the amendments.

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. 10. __________ is a conception of judicial review that believes courts should not overturn laws or government actions unless there is a clear directive in the Constitution.

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. 11. __________ connects to the belief that the Constitution should be interpreted to reflect contemporary times.

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. 12. A conception of judicial review that believes courts should overturn laws or government actions even if there is no clear constitutional directive is called

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. 13. The majority opinion from a court

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. 14. The dissenting opinion from a court

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. 15. The concurring opinion from a court

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