Chapter 11 Web Links

Medea: The Making of a Heroine

History: Defining Heroines

•         “Medea” three podcast series from the University of Oxford discussing a range of connected subjects including how to adapt Greek tragedies for modern theater.

Theory: The Plot of the Heroine’s Story

•         “Juliette Binoche Stars in Ivo van Hove’s New Production of Antigone” review by Robert Sullivan for Vogue of the newly adapted play by Anne Carson.

Comparison: Rome:Medea

•         “Who was Ovid?” video (2:54) by The National Gallery where historian Bernadine Corrigan introduces Ovid as a way into discussing the poet’s influence on Titian’s “poesie” paintings.

•         “Poetry on Canvas” video (4:12) by The National Gallery where Curator Carol Plazzotta and poet Lavina Greenlaw talk about Titian, the poetic painter and Ovid the painterly poet.

Reception: African American Medea

•         “A Mother’s Desperate Act: ‘Margaret Garner’”  NPR provides background, and audio clips about author Toni Morrison and composer Richard Danielpour’s opera ‘Margaret Garner’

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