Diversity and Representation

Further Readings

Porter, J. (1965). Vertical Mosaic: An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. This is an important piece of literature in understanding the inequalities associated with social class and power in Canada. This book is a great depiction of how ethnicity affected this dispersion of social class and power across Canada.

Chazan, M., Helps, L., Stanley, A., &Thakkar, S.,eds. (2011).Home and Native Land: Unsettling Multiculturalism in Canada. Toronto, ON: Between the Lines. This book consists of a collection of articles and essays that evaluates multicultural policies in Canada.

Day, R. (2000). Multiculturalism and the History of Canadian Diversity.Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press. Using a historical perspective on Canadian diversity, this book evaluates and discusses tensions and challenges associated with multicultural policies and legislations in Canada.

Cairns, A. (2000). Citizen Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State.Vancouver, BC:University of British Columbia Press. Since a large portion of this chapter focuses on Indigenous communities and their plight toward obtaining self-government, this book acts as an excellent foundation in understanding the tensions and challenges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities as well as the government’s own difficulties in proposing legislations to establish Indigenous self-government in Canada.

Griffith, A. (2015).Multiculturalism in Canada: Evidence and Anecdote. Ottawa, ON: Anar Press.This book uses primary data from Statistics Canada and Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Canada to evaluate the role of immigrants in a social, political, and economic context. It discusses how the model of multiculturalism and citizenship in Canada compare to other models in different countries.

Forbes, H.D. (2019).Multiculturalism in Canada: Constructing a Model Multiculture with Multicultural Values London, UK: Palgrave MacMillan. This book discusses the concept of multiculturalism in Canada and how it relates to multicultural values by discussing tolerance, fundamental freedoms, cultural egalitarianism and other aspects of multicultural values that affect different parts of Canada.

Boyington, D. et al. (2017).Diversity and Indigenous Peoples in Canada, 3e. Toronto, ON: Emond Montgomery. This updated third edition book discusses how Indigenous peoples and the criminal justice system interact or interfere with one another.

McCoy, J. (2018).Protecting Multiculturalism: Muslims, Security and Integration in Canada.Montreal, QC: McGill Queens University Press.With the threat of racism and xenophobic sentiments looming in many countries including Canada, this book evaluates how Muslims are treated in Canada by discussing some of the accommodations available for Muslim communities.

Recommended Websites

https://indigenousworks.ca/en/resources/indigenous-organizations. This website provides information on various Indigenous organizations, including the Assembly of First Nations, the Metis National Council, and the Inuit TapiriitKanatami.

https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage.html. This is the official website of the department responsible for multicultural programs, Canadian identity, arts, and cultural initiatives.

https://www.canada.ca/en/crown-indigenous-relations-northern-affairs.html. This is the website of one of the official departments overseeing Indigenous and Northern Affairs, and it includes information on the different Indigenous groups as well as information on treaties and negotiations between the government and Indigenous communities.

http://www.labour.gc.ca/eng/standards_equity/eq/emp/index.html. This website provides information on the provisions and different groups that are included in the employment equity legislation.

https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/pay-equity.html. This website provides information on the pay equity legislation, including further links to equity information.

http://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/index.html. This is the official website of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/. This is the official United Nations page for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

http://crrf-fcrr.com/images/stories/Equality_in_Employment.pdf. This is a full report on the Royal Commission on Equality in Employment.

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