Interest Groups and Social Movements

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1. How has activism evolved over the course of Canadian history?

*Answer: Discuss the increased role of interest groups, social movements, the different types of interest groups (e.g., issue-oriented and institutionalized groups), and think tanks; discuss the constitutional significance of lobbying and lobbying groups across Canada; give examples on how interest groups are affecting public policy (e.g., Greenpeace, Kyoto, Keystone Pipeline, and Occupy Movement); and use the Manitoba Schools Question as a case study example.

2. What are some of the factors determining the success of interest groups in Canada?

*Answer: Discuss factors such as resources, capital, participation and inclusion of key players, funding, grants, government’s involvement, and credibility.

3. Describe the relationship between social movements and interest groups.

*Answer: Describe how interest groups tend to be more organized, with different types of interest groups such as single-issue interest groups, special interest groups, ideological with narrow interest; discuss the different tools used by interest groups such as lobbying politicians and bureaucrats; describe social movements as temporary with more emphasis on the role and participation of civil society, with less structure than interest groups; and provide examples for both (touching on strategies, mandates, and groups).

4. What is fake news, and how it is disseminated? What steps are Canadian governments doing to limit the impact of fake news? What can you do to spot fake news?

*Answer: Define fake news and explain how it is disseminated. Explain how governments are introducing stiffer regulations on social media to limit the spread. Outline steps individuals can take to spot fake news including: considering the source; reading beyond headlines; checking the author and date; ensuring it is not satire; checking your biases; asking the experts.

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