Elections and Voting

Quiz Content

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1. What year did most non-Indigenous women first gain the right to vote in Canadian federal elections?

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2. Which of the following terms refers to a candidate's representative, or a person who observes the counting of the ballots?

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3. What are advance polls?

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4. What is the rule which states that no province shall have fewer seats than it did in 1985?

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5. What is the limit that corporations and unions can donate to political parties at the federal level in Canada?

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6. Which of the following are legal sources of funding for political parties at the federal level in Canada?

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7. Which of the following statements is accurate?

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8. What is the minimum number of campaigning days for an official campaign at the federal level?

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9. Which of the following is a district in which parties are most likely to concentrate resources and attention?

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10. At which stage of an election campaign does most candidate recruitment take place?

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11. Which of the following statements is accurate?

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12. In Canada, the proportion of eligible voters who cast ballots in an election:

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13. What is the maximum number of governing years before an election is called, as stated in the Constitution?

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14. Which of the following people is least involved in the calling of a federal election?

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15. According to federal law, which of the following are required to report publicly on their fundraising and spending activities?

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