Internet Activities 11.3 Bacardi
Configuring the Marketing Communications Mix
Chapter Reference
Chapter 11: Configuring the Marketing Communications Mix
This activity invites you to critically review the Ray-Ban ‘Neverhide’ campaign and its effective execution.
Activity Description
Visit the website for Ray-Ban and review the ‘Neverhide’ campaign. During your review consider the following:
• What is the objective of the campaign?
• Who are the intended audience?
• What is the meaning the creative is trying to convey?
• How did Ray-Ban execute the campaign across differing media?
• How did Ray-Ban get audience involvement in the campaign?
• Do you think this is an effective marketing communications campaign?
Ray-Ban, the world's best-selling eyewear brand and the most iconic eyewear brand in the world. The brand launched a massive global marketing effort in 2007 with more than 20 countries involved.
Some of the campaign advertisements and resulting audience-generated videos are also hosted on YouTube.