Quiz Content

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Ax ⊃ Bx)
2. (∃x)(Ax • ~Cx) / (∃x)(Bx • ~Cx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Hx ⊃ Ix)
2. (∃x)(Hx • ~Jx)
3. Ja / (∃x)(Jx • ~Hx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)[Gx ⊃ (Hx ∨ Ix)]
2. (∃x)(Gx • ~Hx) / (∀x)(Gx ⊃ Ix)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)[Dx ⊃ (Ex ∨ Fx)]
2. (∀x)(Dx ⊃ ~Ex) / (∀x)(Dx ⊃ Fx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Fx ⊃ Gx)
2. (∀x)(Gx ⊃ ~Hx)
3. (∃x)Fx / (∃x)(Fx • ~Hx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Ax ⊃ Bx)
2. (∀x)(Dx ⊃ Bx) / (∃x)(Ax • Dx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Nx ⊃ ~Ox)
2. (∀x)(Px ⊃ Ox) / ~(∃x)(Nx • Px)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Kx ⊃ ~Lx)
2. (∃x)(Mx • Lx) / (∀x)(Kx ⊃ ~Mx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∃x)(Ax • Bx)
2. (∀x)(Bx ⊃ Cx)
3. (∀x)(Cx ⊃ ~Dx)
4. (∀x)(Ex ⊃ Dx) / (∃x)(Ax • ~Ex)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∃x)(Px • Qx)
2. (∃x)(Qx • Rx)
3. (∃x)(Sx • ~Qx)
4. (∀x)(Rx ⊃ Px) / (∃x)(Rx • Sx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. Pa • Qa
2. (∃x)(Px • Rx)
3. (∀x)(Qx ⊃ ~Rx) / (∀x)(Sx ⊃ Px)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. Ed • Fd
2. (∀x)(Ex ⊃ Gx)
3. (∀x)(Fx ⊃ Hx) / ~(∀x)(Gx ⊃ ~Hx)

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)(Px ⊃ Qx)
2. (∃x)(Px • Rx)
3. Ra / Ra • Qa

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. Determine whether the given argument is valid or invalid. If it is invalid, select a counterexample.
1. (∀x)[(Px • Qx) ⊃ Rx]
2. (∃x)(Qx • ~Rx)
3. (∃x)(Px • ~Rx) / (∃x)(~Px • ~Qx)

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. Determine whether the given proposition is a logical truth of M or not. If it is not a logical truth, select a false valuation.
~(∀x)(Bx ⊃ ~Cx) ≡ (∃x)(Bx • Cx)

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. Determine whether the given proposition is a logical truth of M or not. If it is not a logical truth, select a false valuation.
(∀x)[Dx ⊃ (Ex ∨ Fx)] ⊃ (∀x)(Dx ⊃ Ex)

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. Determine whether the given proposition is a logical truth of M or not. If it is not a logical truth, select a false valuation.
(∃x)[Gx • (Hx ∨ Jx)] ∨ ~(∃x)(Gx • Hx)

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. Determine whether the given proposition is a logical truth of M or not. If it is not a logical truth, select a false valuation.
(∃x)[(Lx • Mx) • Nx] ⊃ ~(∀x)[~(Lx • Mx) ⊃ Nx]

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