Quiz Content

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. [A ∨ (~A ⊃ A)] ⊃ A
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. B ⊃ ~B) ⊃ (~~B ⊃ ~B)
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [(C ≡ D) • ~D] ⊃ ~C
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. (~E ∨ F) ⊃ G] ⊃ (E ⊃ G)
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [(H • I) ∨ (H • ~I)] ⊃ (~H ⊃ I)
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. (M ⊃ N) ⊃ {(~N • ~M) ⊃ [N ⊃ (N ∨ ~M)]}
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [O ⊃ (P • ~O)] ⊃ [(P ∨ O) ⊃ (~P ⊃ ~O)]
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [(Q ∨ R) • (~Q • ~S)] ⊃ ~(R • S)
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. (T ≡ V) ⊃ [(V • ~W) ⊃ ~(W • T)]
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [(X ≡ Y) • X] ⊃ [(Y ⊃ Z) ⊃ Z]
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. {[A ⊃ (B ∨ C)] • (A • ~C)} ⊃ B
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. (D ⊃ E) ⊃ [(~E ∨ F) ⊃ (~F ⊃ ~D)]
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. {{[G ≡ (H ∨ I)] • (G • ~I)} • (H ⊃ ~G)} ⊃ ~G
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. {[(~J ∨ K) • ~(~L • K)] • ~L} ⊃ (~J • ~K)
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [M ⊃ (N • O)] ⊃ {[M ⊃ (N ⊃ ~M)] ⊃ ~M}
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [P • (P ⊃ Q)] ⊃ {[P ⊃ (R ⊃ ~Q)] ⊃ ~R}
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. [~S ≡ (~T • U)] ⊃ [(U ⊃ S) ⊃ (U ⊃ T)]
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. (W ≡ X) ⊃ {(X • ~Y) ⊃ [(Z ⊃ Y) ⊃ (~Z • W)]}
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. {{[(A • B) ∨ C] • [(C ∨ A) ⊃ B]} • [(~B ∨ C) • (~C ∨ A)]} ⊃ A
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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. {[D ⊃ (E ∨ F)] • [(G • F) ⊃ D]} ⊃ {(~E • ~F) ⊃ [(D ⊃ ~G) ⊃ (D ⊃ ~F)]}
Which of the following propositions is a proper assumption for conditional proof to prove that the above wff is a logical truth of PL?

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