Quiz Content

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. Science is ________

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. The logical structure of a hypothesis (H) that is disconfirmed because its predicted consequence (C) was not found can be represented in the form ________

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. Scientific instrumentalism is the school of thought that says that ________

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. The claim that "no bachelors are happy" is ________

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. The claim that "some swans can hover like hummingbirds" is ________

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. A friend unexpectedly recovers from a serious illness. The doctor treating her claims that there is no scientific reason for her recovery. He claims that her recovery is "miraculous." A reasonable person would conclude that the doctor's theory is ________

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. Scientific realism is ________

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. The philosophical question as to whether the process of induction can ever lead to real knowledge is known as ________

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. The claim that "Criss Angel can walk on water without mechanical assistance" is ________

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. Science is not the only reliable way to acquire knowledge.

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. It is generally wise to immediately reject weird theories.

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. Most scientific hypotheses are generated through induction by collecting data and drawing a generalization from them in order to formulate the hypothesis.

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. Just because you can't think of a natural explanation doesn't mean that one doesn't exist.

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. Scottish philosopher David Hume pointed out that no amount of evidence can ever allow us to generalize with certainty.

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. Scientific instrumentalism is the school of thought that says that the goal of science is to put forward theories that are useful in helping us predict and control the world around us.

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. Science is an objectionable ideology, according to which the universe is entirely material, mechanistic, and deterministic.

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. Science is an extremely reliable way of acquiring knowledge about complex questions concerning the empirical world.

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. Aristotle devised a heliocentric theory of the universe.

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. One way in which the Copernican theory was simpler than the Ptolemaic theory, was that it could explain retrograde motion without resorting to complicated epicycles.

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. Science seeks to acquire knowledge and understanding of reality through the formulation, testing, and evaluating of ________

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. The scientific method cannot be identified with any particular set of experimental or observational ________

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. Scientific inquiry begins with ________

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. To test a hypothesis, scientists must ________

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. In double-blind experiments, ________

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. Something is logically impossible if ________

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. Something is physically impossible if ________

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. Generally eyewitness testimony pertaining to paranormal phenomena is________

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. The conditional argument that expresses the logical pattern of disconfirming a hypothesis is called ________

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. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as ________

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. Compared to Ptolemy's geocentric theory, Copernicus's heliocentric theory was ________

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. If you maintain a hypothesis in the face of mounting negative evidence, you are being ________

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. On the issue of a geology-transforming universal flood, creationism fails the criterion of ________

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. Misunderstanding the possibilities is a common mistake in the evaluation of ________

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. The main alternative to the psychic's theory that they are communicating messages to and receiving messages from disembodied spirits is called ________

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