Quiz Content

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. One of the primary ways that an enumerative argument can fail to be strong is if ________.

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. "I listened to Bach, and the next day I had a great idea for my philosophy essay; therefore, it is true that listening to Bach is good for your intellect." The preceding sentence commits the error of ________.

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. Consider the following claim: "Of the current employees that were interviewed, 70 per cent reported being highly satisfied with their work environment." The target group is ________.

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. Consider the following argument: "I have not enjoyed most of Seth Rogan's movies. The Interview is a movie starring Seth Rogan. So, most likely, I will not enjoy The Interview." This argument is best construed as ________.

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. All of the following are important considerations when evaluating a statistical syllogism, EXCEPT ________.

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. Hasty generalization is the fallacy of drawing a conclusion about a target group on the basis of a sample that is ________.

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. A causal condition must be ________.

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. Suppose it is true that "ethanol will freeze only if the temperature drops below -114°C." "The temperature drops to below -114°C" is then ________.

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. Suppose it is true that Ling is a Philosophy major, and that it is true that 94 per cent of Philosophy majors love the sport of fencing. Then we can infer that ________.

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. Suppose you poll philosophy students at the annual Philosophy Students' Ball at your university and your data shows that of the 450 philosophy majors, 133 attended the ball and answered your question, and that 76 of those who answered say that they attend a church, mosque, or synagogue at least once per week. Then, you can reliably infer that ________.

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. ________ is NOT a type of causal confusion.

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. "Mill's methods" are ________.

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. An inductive argument whose conclusion contains a causal claim is called ________.

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. ________ is NOT one of the criteria we can use to judge the strength of arguments by analogy.

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. When evaluating statistical syllogisms, we do NOT need to consider ________.

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. An analogical argument is an inductive argument where the sufficient condition is the conclusion of the argument.

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. A sample is biased only if it fails to resemble the target group in every relevant respect.

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. If it is true that alcoholism is correlated with depression, then it must also be true that depression is a cause of alcoholism.

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. Selective attention refers to the tendency to observe and remember things that reinforce our beliefs and to gloss over and dismiss things that undercut those beliefs.

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. We can reduce the margin of error in a given survey by reducing its confidence level.

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. In an analogical induction, the more similarities the two objects being compared share, the higher the probability that the conclusion is true.

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. A self-selecting sample usually tells you very little about the target population.

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. Self-selecting samples are not likely to be representative of the target population.

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. The larger the target population about which you want to generalize, the larger your target population must be.

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. If the target population is very uniform, then it may not be necessary to have a large sample size.

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. A sufficient condition for the occurrence of an event is one without which the event cannot occur.

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. A sufficient condition for the occurrence of an event is one that guarantees that the event occurs.

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. Any very strong correlation is indicative of a causal relationship.

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. Inference to the best explanation is a very powerful and versatile form of inductive reasoning.

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. Analogies may be both unforgettable and moving, but they can never form the basis of a strong inductive argument.

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