Quiz Content

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. The most important form of philosophical skepticism maintains that ________.

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. Category 2 obstacles to critical thinking include ________.

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. "Appeal to popularity" refers to ________.

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. The "subjectivist fallacy" is ________.

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. If true, the following statement would constitute a good reason for believing that doctor-assisted suicide should be legal in Canada: ________.

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. The following would be a strong objection to philosophical skepticism: ________.

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. "Everyone is buying the new Apple iPhone. You should too!" This passage is an example of ________.

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. A philosophy of life, or a set of fundamental ideas that helps us make sense of a wide range of important issues in life, is called ________.

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"How can I know that an external, material world exists outside my mind?" This passage is an example of ________.

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. Someone who doubts whether we can truly know that 2+2=4 is called a ________.

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. According to social relativism, the truth of a belief is determined by whether one's society adheres to it.

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. When a person strongly believes that a claim is true, it is likely that it is true.

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. Self-interested thinking offers strong protection from propaganda and manipulation.

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. When someone attempts to establish a conclusion that is in his or her self-interest then that conclusion must be false.

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. One important element for counteracting self-interested thinking is to ensure that we take into account all relevant factors when we evaluate a claim.

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. According to the text, stereotyping refers to drawing conclusions about people with insufficient reason.

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. Ethnocentrism is a kind of group influence that involves seeing one's own group as superior to others.

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. A world view is a set of beliefs that are held by almost all cultural groups.

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. Self-interested thinking occurs when you accept a claim solely on the basis that it advances or coincides with one's personal interests.

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. Bertrand Russell held that strong passions are a sign that one has very strong reasons in favour of one's beliefs.

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. One important goal of critical thinking is to eliminate human fallibility.

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. For critical thinkers, the best way to deal with the power of the group is to make a conscious effort to proportion your belief to the strength of the reasons in favour of it.

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. Appeal to popularity is a type of peer pressure.

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. Peer pressure is a kind of group pressure.

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. Philosophical skepticism is the view that we know much more than we think we do.

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