Deductive Reasoning: Propositional Logic

Quiz Content

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. A conditional is false only when the antecedent is ________.

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. In a conditional statement, "unless" means "if not" and introduces ________.

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. It is impossible for a valid argument to have true premises and ________.

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. The truth value of a compound statement depends on the truth values of ________.

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. "It is not the case that the car is red and the truck is blue." This statement can be symbolized by ________.

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. The symbolization for a conjunction is ________.

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. Even if one of the statements is false in a disjunction, as long as at least one of the disjuncts is true, the whole disjunction is still________.

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"Aiming that loaded gun at someone is not a good idea." This statement is symbolized by ________.

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. "Either disembodied spirits exist, or psychic hoaxes are rampant." This statement is symbolized by ________.

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. A conditional statement is true when ________.

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. "Mitch Marner is a hockey player, while Kawhi Leonard is a basketball player." This statement is symbolized by ________.

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. In the truth table for disjunction, in the column under p v q we write ________.

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. In the truth table for conjunction, in the column under p & q we write ________.

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. In the truth table for conditional statements, in the column under p ? q we write ________.

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. "Justin Smoak is not a hockey player; moreover, he is not a basketball player." This statement is symbolized by ________.

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. In a three-variable truth table, there are six rows.

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. If just one statement in a conjunction is false, the whole conjunction is still true.

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. If only one statement in a disjunction is true, the whole disjunction is false.

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. The symbol used to indicate a disjunction is &.

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. Propositional logic uses symbols to stand not just for statements but also for the relationshipsbetween predicates.

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. Two simple statements joined by a connective to form a compound statement are known as a disjunction.

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. In a conjunction, we assert that either p or q is true (though both might be) and that even if one of the statements is false, the whole conjunction is still true.

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. A negation is the denial of a statement.

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. "If the cat is on the mat, then the rat will stay home." This statement is an example of a disjunctive statement.

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. A conditional statement is false if and only if its antecedent is false and its consequent is false.

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. It is impossible for a valid argument to have true premises and a false conclusion.

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. The short method of argument evaluation is generally unwieldy.

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. In propositional logic, we use symbols to stand for the relationships between statements.

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. A conjunction is false if at least one of its statement components (conjuncts) is false.

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. It is possible for a valid argument to have true premises and a false conclusion.

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