The "Environment" of Critical Thinking

Quiz Content

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. Category 1 obstacles to critical thinking include ________.

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. Self-interest alone cannot ________.

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. You are most likely to let your self-interest get in the way of clear thinking when you ________.

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. A common flaw in reasoning is the failure to consider evidence or arguments that ________.

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. The sign of a maturing intellect is having the will and the courage to gradually prune beliefs that are ________.

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. For critical thinkers, the best way to deal with group pressure is to ________.

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. Your believing that something is true ________.

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. According to social relativism, the beliefs of a society ________.

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. Some philosophers have asserted that believing a proposition without good reasons is ________.

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. Critical thinking is self-interested thinking.

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. The remedy for the problem of selective attention is to make a conscious effort to look for opposing evidence.

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. It is always wrong to accept a claim that furthers our own interests.

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. There are some things about ourselves that are relative because they are one way for us and another way for someone else.

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. Very few people have a worldview.

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. Your believing that something is true makes it probable.

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