The "Environment" of Critical Thinking

Quiz Content

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. Psychologists have long known that a great deal of what we experience is ________.

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. The worst approach to gauging the reliability of news sources is to ________.

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. The interesting thing about worldviews is that ________.

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. The lack of respect for the value and rights of people of different races or origins is specifically called ________.

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. Group pressure that comes from what groups of people do is known as ________.

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. A judgment or opinionwhether positive or negativebased on insufficient reasons is called ________.

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. When we notice certain things and ignore others, when we ignore facts that contradict our beliefs but remain receptive to those that support them, we are engaging in ________.

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. Philosophers point out that if we could make a statement true just by believing it to be true, we would be ________.

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. Many critics think that subjective relativism's biggest problem is that it is ________.

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. Social relativism entails the belief that societies ________.

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. The view that we know much less than we think we do or nothing at all is known as ________.

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. If knowledge requires certainty, then it seems that we ________.

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. Knowledge doesn't require belief beyond all possible doubt but belief that is called ________.

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. Subjective relativism is the idea that ________.

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. Drawing conclusions about people without sufficient reasons is known as ________.

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. Self-centred thinking can be ________.

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. From the standpoint of critical thinking, we have taken things too far when we accept claims for no good reason.

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. Critical thinking is concerned with the objective, not the subjective, truth of claims.

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. A common flaw in reasoning is the failure to consider evidence or arguments that do not support our preferred claims or positions.

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. Bertrand Russell claimed that the passionate holding of an opinion is a sure sign of a lack of courage.

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. You are most likely to let your self-interest get in the way of clear thinking when you have no commitments.

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. Critical thinking is the systematic evaluation or formulation of beliefs, or statements, by rational standards.

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. A set of fundamental ideas that helps us make sense of a wide range of important issues in life is known as a worldview.

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. Visual pareidolia is the phenomenon of seeming to see distinct images in vague visual stimuli.

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. Accepting a claim solely because it furthers your interests is contrary to principles of critical thinking.

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. To know something, we must be certain of it.

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. To know a proposition, we must believe it with certainty.

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. According to social relativism, the beliefs of a society cannot be mistaken.

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. Relative truth is the focus of critical thinking.

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. The best way to ensure that we get the whole story about a topic in the news is to read only material that supports our point of view.

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