Judging Scientific Theories

Quiz Content

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. The conditional argument that expresses the logical pattern of disconfirming a hypothesis is called ________.

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. The standards used to judge the worth of scientific theories are known as ________.

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. Compared to Ptolemy's geocentric theory, Copernicus's heliocentric theory was ________.

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. Both creationism and evolution are ________.

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. Logically possible things include ________.

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. The school of thought according to which the goal of science is to bring our understanding of the natural world closer and closer to the truth is called ________.

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. Hypotheses are ________.

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. Modus tollens represents ________.

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. No scientific hypothesis can be ________.

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. If you maintain a hypothesis in the face of mounting negative evidence, you are being ________.

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. The school of thought that says the goal of science is to put forward theories that are useful in helping us to predict and control the world around us is called ________.

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. On the issue of a geology-transforming universal flood, creationism fails the criterion of ________.

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. When people cannot think of a natural explanation for an extraordinary experience, they often conclude that the explanation must be ________.

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. Misunderstanding the possibilities is a common mistake in the evaluation of ________.

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. The main alternative to the psychic's theory that they are communicating messages to and receiving messages from disembodied spirits is called ________.

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. The theory that psychics communicate and receive messages from disembodied spirits is ________.

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. Fruitful theories are testable.

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. If a theory predicts something other than what it was introduced to explain, it is testable.

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. A theory that fits with our established beliefs is simple.

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. A good strategy for evaluating theories is to weigh the evidence for each theory, and the theory with the most evidence wins.

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. Other things being equal, theories that successfully predict previously unknown phenomena are more credible than those that don't.

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. Fruitful theories predict something that no one expected.

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. Einstein's theory of relativity could explain everything that Newton's theory could explain plus many phenomena that Newton's theory could not explain. Thus, Einstein's theory had simplicity.

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. The phenomenon of constructive perception can be used to explain many instances in which people seem to perceive something when it is not really there or when it is actually very different from the way people think it is.

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. Simplicity is an important advantage that the theory of evolution has over creationism.

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. The process of theory assessment is not subjective or arbitrary.

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. The third step in the TEST formula is to scrutinize alternative theories.

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. The theory of homeopathy fails all the criteria of adequacy except testability.

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. We now know that the moon landing was a hoax.

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. Scientists eventually accepted Copernicus's theory of planetary motion over Ptolemy's because the former was simpler.

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